bonding agents for AAC and CC block
Bonding agents for AAC and CC blocks play a crucial role in ensuring strong and durable construction.

They are particularly useful when good-quality sand and water are scarce. Sunanda Global's bonding agents offer excellent bonding strength without additional cementitious joining materials, eliminating the requirement for water curing.

Bonding agents provide a reliable and efficient solution for bonding AAC blocks to AAC blocks and CC bricks to CC bricks. They simplify the construction process, enhance bonding strength, and offer resistance to various environmental factors, ensuring the durability and stability of the built structure.
  • The bond between AAC blocks, CC bricks, and CC brick wall of the wall panels
  • Used for CC bricks compound wall for bonding
  • The above process is done without the use of cement mortar and any need for water curing
  • It can be used in the area where there is scanty rainfall as well as a shortage of good-quality sand
  • As the polymer cures, the bond strength also increases
  • Non-ionic; hence, no possibility of an attack on concrete by ions like chlorides, alkalis, sulphates, etc
  • Will not stain or discolor concrete
  • Make the surface clean of loose particles, dirt, dust, oils, paints, etc., by wire brush, etc
  • Remove all laitance from surface
  • On the entire clean surface, apply a coat of POLYALK SUPERBOND U and cement (1: 0.25) well-stirred
  • Apply it by spray or ordinary cement brush
  • Fill up all bug holes with the above slurry
  • Apply slurry generously on the entire surface without pinholes
  • Similar treatment is to be given to other block surfaces simultaneously
  • Place coated area of one block over a coated area of another block immediately after application
  • Make sure both surfaces are tacky or wet